UC Davis Professor Robert Emmons has found that “the ability to notice, appreciate, and sovor the elements of one’s life has been viewed as a crucial element of well-being.”
Expressing gratitude in a journal has been found to reduce stress, increase subjective well-being and raise optimism. Gratitude also increases the likelihood we will help someone else and feel connected to others.
Science has demonstrated gratitude increases optimism, improves health, reduces stress and raises happiness.
So count your blessings and feel better.
1. Keep a gratitude journal.
2. Before falling asleep, reflect on what you are grateful for that day.
3. Tell friends and family how much they mean to you – or simply thank them.
4. Retrain your mind to focus on what’s right, rather than what’s wrong.
5. Be grateful for you! You are a unique and talented person. Be grateful for who you are.
"There are two ways to live your life. Either as if nothing is a miracle or as if everything is"
— Albert Einstein