According to American author and speaker Jim Rohn, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”
That being said, I myself am in desperate need of a financial makeover. For years, I have been flying by the seat of my pants, spending by the hairs on my chinny-chin-chin. Deep down I know I can do better for my wallet. This is Financial Wellness month, and thanks to the LiveWell CASH COURSE curriculum, tips and resources abound. I have all the support I need. I am stepping up to the plate.
Won’t you join me?
My name is Gina and I am a new addition to the wellness team here at UCSD. My mission, as the official blogger, is to create a working relationship with you, the official reader. I am a living, breathing, thinking human being—see? We have so much in common already. And we both engage in frequent monetary exchange.
I balance a rather complex financial picture. Rent, electricity, gas, food, phone, gas, recreation, cable, internet, credit card, gas, frozen yogurt. I have absolutely no clue as to the exact sum of my expenses. Since I live off of grants and student loans, my income is a lump sum that lasts as long as I make it. Therefore, as far as BUDGETING AND FINANCIAL PLANNING, I am starting at square one. I’m off to see the THE BUDGET WIZARD.
I’ll be checking in weekly with my personal account: useful, quirky, real-life notes on financial rehabilitation, and direct links to comprehensive cash information on the web. Remember, money is fluid, and so are you. Whatever steps we take, you and I, in the direction of better money management, will pay off.
Invest in yourself this month; you are worth every dollar!
Sounds like a plan.
I have noticed that in high school they teach economics. From my experience, most kids just did the work and memorized for the tests, but none of it sank in, mostly becuase they did not care.
Wouldn't it be more valuable to high school kids to have a class that teaches them how to balance their check book and budget for living outsie of their parents home, before teaching them how the national and global economy works?
That said, are you going to be giving tips and advice for those who want to give themselves financial makeovers?
Look forward to reading more!
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