Never underestimate the connection between your body and your mind.
We’re very much aware of the physical benefits of exercise (strong body, healthy heart, etc), but what about from the neck up?
Recent studies have found that exercise boosts activity in the brain’s frontal lobes, hippocampus, and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis—reducing anxiety and stress. Exercise releases endorphins, a natural painkiller and mood lifter. It also balances sleeping patterns which means more energy during the day.
Exercise is a powerful anti-depressant.
Researchers at Duke University studied people suffering from depression for four months and found that 60% of the participants who exercised for 30 minutes three times a week overcame their depression without using antidepressant medication. Using exercise to heal the mind while strengthening the body…brilliant!!
The study showed that exercise is effective in the young and old, male and female, in treating depression that is either mild or severe, and in supervised or home-based regimens.
To keep mentally and physically fit, get nice and sweaty on a regular basis. For a handy exercise log to download and use, click here.
Treating the Whole Patient—The Mind Body Connection is a program based on an innovative approach that explores the relationship between mental health and physical conditions. Check it out!
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