In this world of mental, mechanical, and material mayhem, you’ve gotta maintain a sense of humor. Be it light, dark, moist, or dry, a solid sense of humor will prevent you from cracking. Laughter breaks tension faster than lightning…in fact, laughter is en-lightening. It’s the fruit of the soul-- and always ripe for the picking!
If you happen to stroll past The Zone on a Friday between 3:00 and 3:30 p.m., you will see a group of people inside, giggling hysterically. You will wonder what is so funny. The answer is, nothing. They’re laughing for the sake of laughter itself and the physical and mental benefit that’s in it.
Laughter Yoga was started with a handful of participants in 1995 by Dr. Madan Kataria at a park in India. It has since grown into a worldwide phenomenon with more than 6,000 laughter groups in about 60 countries! The concept is simple and contagious. Deep breathing and silly games combine to increase the supply of oxygen in the blood, boost the immune system, recharge the metabolism, and leave you feeling fresh and energized. Laughing, especially for “no reason,” undermines the thinking mind that tends towards frumpiness in high stress environments (UCSD, anyone?). It awakens the natural mechanism of joyful play that exists in each of us. And laughter has no language or cultural barriers; it truly brings people together.
In fact, the impact of laughter is so profound that participants report an increased ability to cope with stress, relief from chronic pain, and a reduction in depression.
The first encounter with Laughter Yoga may feel a bit strange, like any new skill. But then something clicks and you’re rolling in genuine, heart-expanding chuckles. It might just become your favorite Friday afternoon activity. Come and see!
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