I once read (in a non-fiction story) that sheep can’t be allowed near water unsupervised--
they will walk right in, become waterlogged, and drown.
Figuratively speaking, this is the same fate that awaits a human being who does not think independently. Entire industries exist to tell you what to wear, what to eat, and what to do with your time…and before you know it, you’ve reached the end of the life-line. My friends, if you are not behind the wheel, somebody else will drive your car. You will be a puppet, a slave, a sheep. Do not waste the vast brain power that you possess!
Consider what is happening in the Texas school system, where those in control are re-writing text books toward a more conservative perspective, literally editing history to reflect the agenda of a political party. What is the consequence when generations of youngsters are taught what to think, rather than how to think? Many of the primary decision makers in our world act out of fear; if we hope to create a more enlightened society, we must be free-thinkers.
“The growth and development of our society no longer operates on the basis of obedience and conformity to dogma. It is based on individual thinking, scientific know-how, quick exchange of facts around feedback networks, high-tech ingenuity, and practical, front-line creativity. The society of the future no longer grudgingly tolerates a few open-minded innovators. The cybernetic society is totally dependent on a large pool of such people, communicating at light speed with each other across state lines and national boundaries.” -T. Leary
Thinking for yourself comes with a certain amount of responsibility—if you make a wrong turn, you can’t blame the other guy. Yet this same responsibility is also a wonderful opportunity for personal empowerment. Embrace your mentality.
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