Let’s say you happen to see a special on The Discovery Channel that captures your interest, so you take it a step further. It’s easy to do these days; there is so much information available right at your fingertips—you can Google anything in the world. You can explore databases and libraries and ask questions on social networking sites and chats. One thing leads to another, and before you know it you are blazing a trail of research and knowledge. It’s a scavenger hunt, an adventure, exciting and inspiring! The wild part is when you encounter connections and parallels that you never would have expected, and you begin to see concepts in a new light, by your own illumination.
Compare this to sitting around and stewing in the knowledge you already have, not bothering to look into anything new. Boo.
If something strikes you, find out why. Your interests are clues to your passions and purpose. Explore them! You have nothing to lose and absolutely everything to gain, from new friends and experiences to hobbies and careers. When you expand your intellectual horizons, your world literally becomes a bigger place: fuller, rounder, and more colorful!
Just for kicks, here are a few of the fascinations I have found in the world:
Quantum physics, experimental mathematics, early child development, symbology, mythology, cognitive psychology, the history of disease, telepathy and telekinesis, astronomy, sustainability and green development, ancient civilizations, geology, world religion, social paradigms such as the romantic period, the renaissance, and “the dark ages,” folklore, alternative and holistic healing, archeology, and neuroscience, and natural disasters...
What’s on your list?
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