Wellness Journalism: What do you think?


I once read (in a non-fiction story) that sheep can’t be allowed near water unsupervised--
they will walk right in, become waterlogged, and drown.

Figuratively speaking, this is the same fate that awaits a human being who does not think independently. Entire industries exist to tell you what to wear, what to eat, and what to do with your time…and before you know it, you’ve reached the end of the life-line. My friends, if you are not behind the wheel, somebody else will drive your car. You will be a puppet, a slave, a sheep. Do not waste the vast brain power that you possess!

Consider what is happening in the Texas school system, where those in control are re-writing text books toward a more conservative perspective, literally editing history to reflect the agenda of a political party. What is the consequence when generations of youngsters are taught what to think, rather than how to think? Many of the primary decision makers in our world act out of fear; if we hope to create a more enlightened society, we must be free-thinkers.

“The growth and development of our society no longer operates on the basis of obedience and conformity to dogma. It is based on individual thinking, scientific know-how, quick exchange of facts around feedback networks, high-tech ingenuity, and practical, front-line creativity. The society of the future no longer grudgingly tolerates a few open-minded innovators. The cybernetic society is totally dependent on a large pool of such people, communicating at light speed with each other across state lines and national boundaries.” -T. Leary

Thinking for yourself comes with a certain amount of responsibility—if you make a wrong turn, you can’t blame the other guy. Yet this same responsibility is also a wonderful opportunity for personal empowerment. Embrace your mentality.

When it comes to your own well-being, every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary claim to know the absolute truth. Take this vitamin, do this exercise program, join this group. While there is much wisdom to be gleaned from the methodology of others, ultimately the formula you seek will be of your own making. Therefore, you must do your own thinking. Assess the mass of information presented to you on a daily basis with your own internal processor. What works for somebody else may or may not work for you, but what’s best for you, only you can discover.

Rockin' Resources!


UCSD is an institution of learning, however, in a ten-week quarter the classroom environment is not designed to meet your every academic need. An integral part of intellectual wellness involves utilizing the variety of resources on campus. Here are a few highlights:


The Office of Academic Support and Instructional Services, known as OASIS, is truly a haven. There is no reason to struggle through an essay in a foreign language or chapter of organic chemistry by yourself; a tutor will sit down with you and provide one-on-one support…for free. It is truly a beautiful thing. Besides assistance in science, math, language, and writing, Oasis provides transition programs for first-year and transfer students.


The UCSD Libraries consist of: the Arts Library, the Mandeville Special Collections Library, the Science & Engineering Library, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Library (all housed in the Geisel Library building); the Biomedical Library; CLICS: The Center for Library and Instructional Computing Services; the Medical Center Library; the International Relations and Pacific Studies Library; and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography Library. What this means to you? A vast array of books, articles, journals, research, and references at your fingertips.


Take advantage of free advising throughout your academic career! Connect online with your college’s academic Virtual Advisor, or sit down in person with your college advisor to help optimize your quarterly course schedule, select or change your major, and make sure you complete all college GE requirements and advance toward graduation. In addition, your department advisor will help you with major or minor requirements, selecting courses, petitions, degree checks, and can refer you to faculty members for research and career advice. It’s incredible to have a team of people working to help you make the most of your time!

The most successful people in the world aren’t necessarily rich, good-looking, or even intelligent—they are resourceful. For anything you want to accomplish, someone or something can lend a hand, provide a stepping stone, or contribute information. Develop a healthy habit of utilizing resources to ensure a lifetime of abundance!

Wellness Journalism: Keep in Touch!


Keeping current with my immediate surroundings is a full-time job (what my daughter ate for lunch, when my term paper is due, how many clean pairs of socks I have). I rarely turn on the television or read the news. As a result, I did not know that an earthquake had devastated Haiti until three days later, when my teacher mentioned it in class. And Heinz Fischer is the Austrian president…not special ketchup.

Now it’s been well over a month since BP’s drilling rig exploded off the Louisiana coast, and the few rogue snapshots of greasy ducks I have seen don’t do the big picture any justice. I realize that it is time to get in the loop, which is to say, become actively aware of the circle of life (a.k.a. global affairs). So this morning, I google the gulf. What I discover is indeed devastating; in fact, at first I’m sorry to have looked. The environmental and economic implications of this disaster are blood-curdling, and efforts to curtail the leak have only made it worse. But in spite of my temptation to crawl back under a rock, the fact of the matter is that regardless of how self-absorbed we are in local living, global affairs have a direct impact on our daily existence.

It behooves an individual to know what is going on in the world, for several reasons:

#1. You live on the earth. What happens on earth, happens to you.

#2. When you don’t have a clue, you run the risk of looking stupid. (Trust me on this one.)

#3. You will make better informed decisions, from what you eat to how you spend your talent and treasure. Awareness is Empowerment!

We are alive in tumultuous times. Between earthquakes and oil spills, market crashes and political upheaval, it is absolutely critical to stay abreast of current events. While the heavily biased and controlled mainstream American media is better than nothing, I recommend news resources such as The Economist, Alternet, or The Independent.

Wellness Journalism: Making the Cut


“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.” -Henry Ford

It takes an entire lifetime to learn everything there is to know about one subject, and only if that subject is simple (cheese graters, rubber bands, horse-shoes). If you were to tackle a larger subject such as organic chemistry or cognitive development, even multiple lifetimes would barely scratch the surface. Then, consider how many interesting fields exist far beyond traditional academic subjects. It is truly mind-blowing. No matter who you are or where you come from, the capacity to learn something new is infinite.

Since all things exist in a continual state of evolution, your success literally depends on a life-long ability to grow and adapt. New laws are introduced that lead to the introduction of new policies. New ideas and approaches emerge. New problems arise and new solutions are sought. It may seem harsh, but in this ever-evolving social climate, your ability to “keep in touch” with the world will essentially define your effectiveness as a human being. It is critical you maintain a healthy appetite for knowledge! In fact, without an expanding mental waist-line, you run the risk of doing things the exact same way every day of your life—and completely wasting it.

Your mind is a muscle. Keep it strong with regular, vigorous exercise. Feed your intellectual curiosity, and explore the world at large. When something sparks your imagination, ruffles your feathers, or compels you to don your jauntiest thinking cap, dig in. Attend meetings, workshops, and conferences. Read books. Talk to people. You will never run out of surprises, delights, wonders, and joys. Then, as you grow older, you will still be able to remember your children’s names and birthdates along with your address and social security number.

Wellness Journalism: Take Your Time


Sometimes, when faced with loads of schoolwork, I find myself inexplicably drawn toward endeavors such as eating cereal, reading popular fiction, or staring off into space. This becomes especially prominent during the week before final exams when I’m sagging under the weight of my proverbial plate. There is so much to do, that somehow, the actual doing of it gets squeezed out... and even the smartest cookie in the bag will crumble on an exam if unprepared.

Time management is essentially mind management.

Your brain is like an operating system—if it’s running too many applications at once, it will be slow and groggy. Organization and proper task management are critical to your performance!

 Have a plan(ner), and use it. Whether you write your to-do’s on paper, plot them your computer scheduler, or just whip out your phone calendar, your work will be done more easily if you plan it out. That way, you don’t have to remember everything in your head. It’s like keeping your desktop clear.

 Likewise, rather than considering the cumulative weight of everything that needs doing, devote single-minded attention to the task at hand. This allows you to go about your business in a more relaxed and focused fashion. In addition, it saves time in the long-run; your efforts will yield greater satisfaction, and be of higher quality. Compare this approach to the whirlwind, multi-tasking style demonstrated by many “succesful” Americans. The quality of your life is determined by the attention you pay to it, and anything worth doing is worth doing well.

 Flex the power of priority. This makes single-minded devotion much easier to express. I tend to go in order of due date: do what’s due. Other people find it effective to start with the simplest tasks in order to clear mental space for the tackling of bigger cheese. Prioritization is key to planning, and prevents you from becoming overwhelmed or “crashing.”

 Every day, take yourself off the clock for awhile—a “time out.” If you’re always slave to a schedule you might come to resent it, greatly hindering efficiency and effectiveness. Use this self-appointed time off to do something fun, unusual, creative, or stimulating. This promotes balance and releases energy that would otherwise be bouncing around inside of you, making something like studying more difficult. You can also use this time for a nap

With responsible mind management, you will have time for your life.

For more management tips, click here.

Wellness Journalism: You, the Creation...


“Tell me,” says poet Mary Oliver, “what will you do with your one wild and precious life?”

Creativity is your stamp, your personal thumbprint, your special contribution. Whether you apply it musically, orally, mathematically, environmentally, linguistically, athletically, spiritually, or visually, you make the difference that nobody else can make.

What you do is secondary to how you do it. If you come from a place of originality and imagination, your work will show it. If you come from a place of bored monotone, you work will suffer...and so will you. Although you may live with a regular routine, you don’t have to do things the same way each day. You are endowed with creative capability and innovative inspiration. You can solve problems, make improvements, and share your unique flare. If you don’t, stagnant energy pools in the brain and festers.

No matter how stale the scenario, it is entirely within your means to circulate some fresh ideas. In fact, that which seems rigid is usually more flexible than you think (rigidity exists in your mind, and is then projected outward). When you go about a challenge, dreariness stems not from the task itself but from the mentality you bring to the table. Refresh yourself. Develop a new approach. You can also get your creative juices flowing by drawing your schedule instead of writing it, stirring your coffee backwards, or listening to music.

Take the case of Miles Davis. When he first came to New York in 1944, his goal was to work with Charlie Parker. When the opportunity came, however, he realized that he was out of his element; he was unable to match the blistering speed of his saxophone hero Parker or the rhythmic virtuosity of Dizzy Gillespie. But instead of being daunted by his talented peers, young Miles—resilient and resourceful—was determined to blaze his own trail. He looked within himself to find his own sound, and came up with a distinctive style. By cultivating his own gifts to their fullest, he developed a whole new form of jazz.

There is something that only you can do, a particular tune that only your unique voice can carry.
When you apply yourself creatively, you will: enjoy your time, be more productive, deliver higher-quality work, allow your passions to expand, and have a fulfilling life. Get to it.