8 Dimensions of Well-being


UC San Diego Health, Recreation & Well-being, in partnership with The Zone, brings you

8 Dimensions of Well-being!
Stay balanced throughout the academic year, as each month focuses on a different dimension of wellness.

Emotional Well-being (October)
Optimism, trust, self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-control, self-confidence, satisfying relationships, and an ability to share feelings

Financial Well-being (November)
Adopting smart fiscal management practices and being prepared for all possible expenses: short-term, long-term, and emergency

Spiritual Well-being (December)
Posessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, and values that give meaning and purpose to life

Physical Well-being with emphasis on exercise (January)
Exercising, avoiding harmful habits, recognizng the signs of disease, getting regular physical exams, and taking steps to prevent injury

Social Well-being (February)
Good communication skills, developing the capacity for intimacy, and cultivating a support network of caring friends and family

Physical Well-being with emphasis on diet and sleep (March)
Understanding the relationship between nutrition and stress, eating intuitively, and getting enough rest

Environmental Well-being (April)
Advocating for sustainable change, contributing to the health of the planet, and living a “green” lifestyle

Occupational Well-being (May)
Gaining personal fulfillment from employment, maintaining a sense of balance, and utilizing talents

Intellectual Well-being (June)
Openness to new ideas, a capacity to question and think critically, and the motivation to master new skills

Wellness Journalism: Getting in Gear


With the start of fall quarter on your heels, you may find yourself running on overdrive—if so, slow down and look both ways! In the rush to get ready, you risk showing up to your first day of classes already huffing and puffing. This is hardly an effective way to begin the marathon sprint that is the 10-week academic quarter.

3 Steps to Your Best Start:

1.Honor The Golden Triangle: Eat-Exercise-Sleep. With this fundamental physical foundation you set yourself up for maximum productivity and mental efficiency.

• Eat a balanced diet and don’t skip meals—especially breakfast. Keep healthy snacks in your backpack. Food is fuel; you get out what you put in. Go for high octane stuff like vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and lean protein.

• Engage in significant physical activity—be it dance, gym, yoga, ball games, running, or jousting—at least three times a week. You can also build exercise into your schedule by walking briskly between classes, riding a bike to various local destinations, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

• Sleep—seriously. The average human being requires seven hours of sleep a night. When you deny yourself these precious hours of restoration, relying on caffeine to get through the day, you do a major disservice to your engine.

These three elements are your basic formula for functionality. Get into a good rhythm right off the bat, and sustain your groove all quarter long. You’ll have a much smoother ride.

2. Get Ready, Get Set. Environmental setting has a critical impact on your performance. Clean and organize your bedroom and work area (ideally you have a separate space designated for each). Make sure you have appropriate and comfortable furnishings, and decorations that uplift and inspire you. Note: creating a customized habitat doesn’t have to be expensive! Utilize Craigslist and Freecycle to acquire what you need (and get rid of what you don’t).

3. Adjust Your Attitude. It’s essential that you approach the challenging weeks ahead with the right mental posture. If you go into a hard class with a grumble and a grimace, you are going to have a very different experience than if you invite the course with willing confidence and open arms. Granted, there may be moments when you feel yourself falling off track—when this happens, take a deep breath, and redirect your train of thought. As Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are usually right.”

Wellness Journalism: Got Power?


Last Thursday I was sitting at my computer typing an email, when suddenly, everything went dark.

My first thought was, “Oh no! The power is out!” This was immediately followed by feelings of amusement and relief; I no longer had anything to do. Soon my coworkers and I learned the extent of the outage: Not just our building? Not just our campus? Not just our zip code? As we adjusted to this newly appointed reality, we had a lovely conversation about global climate conditions and our sense of purpose in life. Then we went home.

As I walked back to my little apartment, passing every car stuck in traffic, and I began to notice two things: 1. People were outside—walking, sitting, exercising—and 2. People were talking to each other. Having been released from the compulsion to keep up the pace, each in their own space, staring at their respective screens, people had emerged into the community. Some were enjoying $1 scoops of ice cream from Baskin Robbins. Others were waiting in a huge line in front of the grocery store to get water, cash only. Still others had put blankets down on the grass and were reading in the afternoon light. It was a perfect opportunity, I decided, to poll my fellow Americans.

My question was simple: “How does it feel to be powerless?”

Most people seemed to be taking it in stride, shrugging it off as a temporary disruption, enjoying the rest of a gorgeous summer day. Those with complaints had reasonable ones (It took me two hours to get home; I might miss my flight to Seattle tomorrow; nothing is open).

The entire crew of Regents Pizza had posted around tables outside of their store. One man in particular was smiling so broadly as I approached that my question was already answered. “What can I do?” he said, thoroughly pleased. “It’s out of my hands. I get to relax. I have been working all my life. This is great.”

“But what if the power doesn’t come back on?” I challenged him.

“Then I go back to the old days, like my grandparents used to do, growing my own food. I can survive with anything, using what’s around me.” Even my suggestion that there would be no cold beer didn’t faze him. He saw no problems, only solutions. Take the beer, he said after a moment, and bury it in the sand at the beach overnight. In the morning, it will be cold. Voila.

Others, however, didn’t share his exuberance. “It’s not good,” said a strained-looking man, on his way to his car. “There’s a lot of stuff…” he waves his hand around, indicating something sinister in the air. And he had a point—this was a reality check. How dependent are we on external systems to provide our basic needs—systems that, when feces hit the fan, may be dysfunctional?

As night fell I could see candlelit dinners under a sky full of stars. It felt peaceful. And I was reminded that we have the right—and the responsibility—to keep this peace in our lives. Technology is a wonderful tool. But we musn’t let it distract us from learning to be present, to sit with our friends and families, or talk to our neighbors. It is when we unplug the machines, and tune in to ourselves and each other, that we rediscover the charge in human connection.

It’s Monday now and back to business as usual. But I hope the lesson stays home: where does our power really come from?