Wellness Journalism: Get Physical


50 ways to Live Physically Well!

1. Love your body
2. Get enough sleep
3. Go barefoot sometimes
4. Ride a bike
5. Brush your teeth
6. Enjoy the outdoors
7. Go dancing
8. Stretch
9. Breathe deeply
10. Eat your vegetables
11. Drink lots of water
12. Play tennis
13. Have a relay race
14. Minimize alcohol
15. Go for a run
16. Make a smoothie
17. Get a massage
18. Surf
19. Eat less red meat
20. Pat yourself on the back
21. Hang upside down
22. Choose healthy snacks
23. Rest when you’re tired
24. Go skiing
25. Get some sunlight
26. Jog with a friend
27. Show affection
28. Do Tai-chi
29. Sing in the shower
30. Hit the playground
31. Practice yoga
32. Learn about bodywork and energy healing
33. Avoid processed sugar
34. Take a hike
35. Reduce caffeine usage
36. Wiggle your toes
37. Educate yourself
38. Play golf
39. Practice safe sex
40. Take naps
41. Get routine check ups
42. Take a walk
43. Eat raw food
44. Honor your intuition
45. Say no to drugs
46. Play a team sport
47. Go kayaking
48. Cuddle
49. Join an exercise class
50. Put your feet up


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