There are millions of people milling around you on a daily basis—and of all these, you hand-pick a select few to call friends. How do you know which ones are the keepers, and which ones are better thrown back into the sea?
A solid and supportive relationship can nourish you: mind, body, and soul.
On the other hand, a relationship that isn’t serving can really take a toll.
You greatest asset is WHO YOU ARE—and every relationship in your life should honor it. Be willing to look at any given relationship without bias, without justification, without excuses…and ask whether it is a parasitic relationship, or a symbiotic one.
In a parasitic relationship, you are made to feel inadequate. You are only “good” for something you have, something you do, or how you look/act. You are expected to behave in a certain way in order to make the other person happy. You feel drained and depleted. You might even feel stuck.
In a healthy, symbiotic relationship:
• You are free to be yourself, and you are loved for who you are.
• You’re not afraid to do as you feel or say what you think.
• Your happiness and well-being is of top importance.
• You are never asked to do anything that might bring harm to yourself or others.
• Your beliefs and opinions are respected and valued.
• You feel safe.
• You nurture and support each other.
• Your resources are shared and enhanced.
• You are inspired, motivated, and encouraged.
• You experience a unique sense of connection and comfort.
• You grow!
You, as the captain of your ship, have the right and responsibility to steer clear of relationships that drag you down. Do this, and you’ll find a plethora of partnerships waiting with open arms to help you forward.
To speak confidentially with a relationship expert, contact Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at 858-534-3755.
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