Of all the nutrition messages out there (many of which confuse and confound us!), one recommendation has withstood the test of time and research: we need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables!
Unfortunately few college students eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
Here are some sure-fire ways to help you increase your fruit and vegetable intake:
• Mix fruit into your morning cereal or yogurt
• Fill half your plate with vegetables and eat them first
• Order vegetable soups and entrĂ©es with vegetables mixed in
• Use salad bars to pick out your favorites (include plenty of different colors in your salad to maximize the nutrient profile)
• Make fruit part of your dessert – dip a strawberry in some chocolate, smear peanut butter on a banana or apple
• Add vegetables to your sandwiches, wraps and burritos
• Pack fresh fruit in your backpack for a convenient between-class snack
Information provided by HDH Registered Dietitian Becky McDivitt. Feel free to contact her with nutrition-related questions at rmcdivitt@ucsd.edu or visit her nutition page on the HDH website.
Unfortunately few college students eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables each day.
Here are some sure-fire ways to help you increase your fruit and vegetable intake:
• Mix fruit into your morning cereal or yogurt
• Fill half your plate with vegetables and eat them first
• Order vegetable soups and entrĂ©es with vegetables mixed in
• Use salad bars to pick out your favorites (include plenty of different colors in your salad to maximize the nutrient profile)
• Make fruit part of your dessert – dip a strawberry in some chocolate, smear peanut butter on a banana or apple
• Add vegetables to your sandwiches, wraps and burritos
• Pack fresh fruit in your backpack for a convenient between-class snack
Information provided by HDH Registered Dietitian Becky McDivitt. Feel free to contact her with nutrition-related questions at rmcdivitt@ucsd.edu or visit her nutition page on the HDH website.
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