WellSphere has come out with new 'Healthy Causes' initiatives. You can add badges showing your support onto your blogs or websites.
Check out the 10 Healthy Causes to see all of the initiatives. They will also be listed on the Wellness Center website under the 'My Wellness' tab.
Mental Health Services & Patient Rights
Get involved in preventing emotional disorders and helping everyone get the care and treatment they need to live mentally healthy lives. Let's fight the stigma, support mental health research, and defend patient rights. Together, we can unlock the power of the mind.
Saving the Environment
Let's help bring about a cleaner, greener world! Get involved, spread your appreciation for nature's beauty, help fight global warming and protect our world's wildlife and natural resources
Check out the 10 Healthy Causes to see all of the initiatives. They will also be listed on the Wellness Center website under the 'My Wellness' tab.
Mental Health Services & Patient Rights
Get involved in preventing emotional disorders and helping everyone get the care and treatment they need to live mentally healthy lives. Let's fight the stigma, support mental health research, and defend patient rights. Together, we can unlock the power of the mind.
Saving the Environment
Let's help bring about a cleaner, greener world! Get involved, spread your appreciation for nature's beauty, help fight global warming and protect our world's wildlife and natural resources
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