"The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery
It’s the first week back to classes and it feels like I’m already behind. The pressure drives me toward blueberry muffins and other tasty treats, the joy of which seem to counteract the dread of my to-do list. But ultimately there is just no way to take 18 units, work 20+ hours a week, and still hope to function as a human being. So I make a bold move and drop my Spanish Literature class. I’ll take it in summer school. (At some point, you gotta know your limits--even while you’re pushing them).
Does this sound familiar? Maybe not the blueberry muffins part…but the feeling of having too much to do and not enough time or energy in the day to get it all done. I know the look, and many of us dashing across campus have it. Friends, I want to say this: starting a new routine is a creative process. You have the power to design your day—or destroy it. And you can go back to the drawing board as many times as you want. If you keep your eye to the big picture, it will come into focus.
This big picture analysis is very useful in maintaining a sense of perspective. Often, we’re more flexible than we give ourselves credit for. In fact, the trouble with many “plans” is that they are based on idealistic, preconceived notions that don’t actually fit the big screen. If you want to paint a pretty picture, consider one thing above all else: your ability to focus in the present moment. You know you have too much on your plate if you can’t even swallow what’s in your mouth.
Any problem that presents itself comes with a hidden prize—the solution. Finding the solution often takes patience and perseverance, experimentation and exploration. As it turns out, the process of solving often holds more value than the solution itself! You may gain new friends, learn important lessons, and increase your awareness of your own intrinsic value. Sit on that and rotate awhile.
“Problems” are life-code for opportunity. It may sound corny, but it’s true.
While it might feel like the world wants more than you can give, in reality the world just wants to see you giving it your best.
So, to sum up:
The problem is that I have a lot to do.
The solution is that focusing on one thing at a time with a clear mind and positive attitude combined with realistic prioritizing will allow me to accomplish what actually needs to be done today.
What you see becomes real, whether it is the problem or the solution. Take your pick.
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