Wellness Journalism: 50 Ways, Part II


50 Elaborations on 50 Ways to Live Spiritually Well

11. Appreciate others. There are people doing amazing things at all times; you’ll notice it if you look. Acknowledge and thank coworkers, friends, family members, teachers, and other people hard at work in their various occupations. While you’re at it, appreciate yourself as well!

12. Develop your talents. You will be fonder of what you’re doing, and better at it too. As much as you may appreciate the talents of others (see #11 above), it is important to discover and cultivate your own special skills. Do this diligently, and you’ll find a way to incorporate your talents into your trade—adding immeasurable value to your work.

13. Have personal rituals. They have a way of calming the mind and integrating processes that might otherwise be a bit rough. Not being a morning person, I used to have a bowl of cereal immediately upon rising (to ease into the day with something pleasant). I have since swapped the cereal for smoothies. Adding various fruits and juices and yogurts into a blender is fun and relaxing. And smoothies are delicious and refreshing. I actually dump a handful of raw baby spinach in there too, since it is light on flavor and heavy on nutrition. Here are a few other examples: Sitting for a few minutes each morning to set intentions for the day. Enjoying a cup of tea in the afternoon. Taking a morning/evening walk. Blessing or thanking something before you use it. Organizing your socks. Anything you do can be ritualized.

14. Love, love, love. This hardly needs elaboration. But I will say this: there is love, and then there is attachment. The difference may be subtle, but it is profound. If you’ve ever heard somebody say “love hurts,” it’s attachment they’re referring to. Love liberates, accepts, has compassion. Love lifts us up where we belong. Let me move on to the next point before I break into song.

15. Honor your food. You are putting it inside you, for goodness sake…digesting it and letting it seep into every pore of your body. Give it consideration: from and through whose hands it has passed, how and where it came into the world. You are what you eat, and how you eat it. When you honor your food, you tend to eat well.

16. Celebrate milestones. This includes, but is certainly not limited to: birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, achievement of goals, promotions, and changes in location. You can treat yourself to something nice or throw a party with family, friends, cake and confetti. Whatever you do, you deserve it.

17. Self-reflect. This way, you’ll be able to see what you’re doing, and where you’re going. A great way to do this is by writing in a journal (paper or digital), tracking your thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Or you can simply sit and ponder. And if you really want to dig in, talk to yourself in the mirror (seriously—it’s effective!)

18. Pray. Pray from your heart, to and for anything meaningful to you. Prayer can be regular, or it can be spontaneous. It can be structured, or it can be improvised. However you pray, it is a powerful way to realize your innermost desires and express your deepest truth.

19. Live one day at a time. It’s all you can actually do. While you may plan for the future, life happens in the present. The future hasn’t happened and therefore it is unstable; living in/for the future is counter-productive. Likewise, it is hard to move forward effectively if you are living in/for the past. And when you have a lot on your plate, as UCSD students tend to do, trying to manage multiple days at once is mentally overwhelming.

20. Walk in nature. It will restore you. Fresh air, sunshine, grass, and trees revitalize your mind, body, and spirit. Hear the twittering of birds. Watch the way light dances. Feel the breeze on your skin. The outdoors are great indeed.

Still more to come…


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