Project Wellness Winner - Jaimie Ngan


Jaimie Ngan

The way I try to keep my lifestyle healthy and maintain my new years resolution is by starting with and keeping a positive mindset. I do this by planning activities that fit smoothly into my schedule. Here are some techniques I enjoy using to keep my daily activities exciting/productive:

  • Have a planner - a useful tool that can guide a person with their daily plans without the fear of forgetting something
  • Plan for the week - Schedule all meetings/organization activities/gym time into the weekly planner then add some extra fun activities (i.e. lunch date with a friend, watch a movie, relax on the beach, etc.)
  • Always incorporate some new items into the week so everyday doesn't seem repetitive and exhaustive.
  • Everyone has a busy school schedule, but this doesn't give anyone an excuse to not stop by the gym for a 30 minute workout. (gym includes showers, lockers, personal space to exercise in, what more can you ask for?) Maintaining a consistent workout plan/schedulemotivates an individual to visit the gym. An alternative: take a jog outside or along the beach
    • If unmotivated to visit the gym alone, plan with a friend on days/times to go together! This creates more of an incentive for an individual to go to the gym (when at the gym, try different machines to see which ones are most suitable)
    • If going to the gym is not your thing, you can always take a recreational class (i.e. swimming class, kickboxing class, yoga class, dance classes) They offer affordable discounted prices for students!
    • If possible, try not to take the campus loop if unnecessary-->It only takes about 15 minutes to walk across campus: You gain time that could have been lost by sitting/waiting for the shuttle, a nice nature walk, and some good exercising
  • Staying in the room and studying all day isn't the most exciting thing to do. Become active and join a special interest club or school organizations! This promotes happiness by encouraging individuals to meet different people, do the things they like, and gain an experience they'll never forget.
  • Visit the library - It's the best place to study and gain some peace & quiet (you can eat, sleep, and study there!)
  • Make dates with friends - Group hikes, biking, kayaking (There is some beautiful mountain views and scenery around San Diego)
  • Most importantly, EAT HEALTHY! Don't feel guilty when consuming a few carbs or if you have a craving for a chocolate bar -- just try to exercise at least 3-5 days/week and maintain a good healthy diet.

These are just a few tips a person can use if they feel drained. As for myself, I enjoy being productive. I attend the gym each time I have a nice gap between classes or whenever it's convenient. I work, participate in school organizations, and volunteer. I manage my time accordingly with the help of my planner and eat healthy. After a long day of school I enjoy being at home and contemplating about my day's work. I have learned to appreciate life and try to take things slowly at times to remember the beauty of what life has to offer. By setting a positive mindset and appreciating life, I gain the full pleasure of spending time with my family, friends, and doing the things I love to do.

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