Environmental Wellness at UC San Diego - Part II


The transfer housing will have high performance windows which cut the UV and heat and allow natural free air-flow ventilation, and radiators heated by hot water. Granite counter tops are used in place of laminate for a long term gain, and steel stairs replace carpeting.

Units will be individually metered, with each student getting a personal bill for usage. “That way,” notes Cunningham, “awareness of the cost of energy for activities such as all-night gaming, and use of plasma TV, stereo and play stations, is built in.”

But all is not total serious ecology for the incoming transfer juniors and seniors at “The Village.” To build community—and add a touch of whimsy—the students will find a “story line” written in vinyl letters and posted along hallways and on doors. To follow the story, students will have to go into a neighbor’s apartment. “This way,” said Cunningham, we hope to get the students out of their rooms and into building community, rather than sitting at a desk gaming.”

Student groups have supported the availability of cage-free eggs, fair trade, and organic foods, a trend that reflects a larger national and international movement for an alternative food system, according to Jeff Haydu, professor of sociology at UC San Diego. “People increasingly believe that they can advance political or social justice goals through their choices as consumers rather than, or in addition to, more conventional political action,” Haydu said. “There is something very appealing about the idea that you can make a difference simply by buying this and not that. Some say, ‘change the world one bite at a time.’”

Housing, Dining and Hospitality Services will continue a system tested last year that removed all disposables (take-away plastics and Styrofoam) and replaced them with compostable plastics and reusable china and silverware. Students who want food-to-go can use permanent dishware and leave it at drop-off spots throughout the campus known as “Toby’s Spots.” Mays said last year’s trial test showed the change effectively helped students reduce waste.

All Housing, Dining and Hospitality restaurants and markets have offered organic, locally grown and cage-free options for some time, but the new initiative ensures that cage-free eggs will exclusively be sold in all of UC San Diego’s dining locations. In addition, the campus will use fair trade coffee, tea and sugar at all dining locations and markets.

Cage-free eggs and fair trade products promote environmental wellness,” said Becky McDivitt, a registered dietitian at UC San Diego. “Environmental wellness includes taking action to protect the world around us by, for example, allowing chickens to live in more humane conditions and supporting companies whose workers receive living wages and safe conditions.”

UC San Diego’s Housing, Dining and Hospitality division also will continue to offer a large variety of organic produce. In spring 2010, the El Mercado dining hall located on the Muir College campus will be transformed into an organic bistro.

In addition, dining locations will begin regularly featuring locally gown, organic farmer’s markets where students will have the opportunity to buy produce directly from local food businesses.

Added Mays,“At UC San Diego we know that sustainability doesn’t end at the doorstep. “It’s understanding that everything is connected and impacts each other.”

Article by Pat Jacoby

10-Minute ZUMBA!


Want a super FUN way to exercise? Try Zumba!
Experience the dance craze that's taking the fitness industry by storm! Zumba combines Latin rhythms and easy-to-follow dance moves to put the FUN back in your workout. Fast and slow rhythms are combined for an aerobic and toning workout that confers the benefits of interval training.
In this video a UC San Diego FitLife instructor demonstrates 3 different Zumba dances.
Interested in learning more or signing up for a Zumba class? Visit recreation.ucsd.edu

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Environmental Wellness at UC San Diego


Students entering the University of California, San Diego campus in September will find a next-generation array of green innovations ranging from Econauts and drought tolerant bio-swale landscaping to organic foods and “hydration stations” that eliminate the need for disposable water bottles. And as an incentive to keep energy consumption as low as possible, each student in the new Village apartments will receive individual electricity bills.

The new transfer housing units will be individually metered, with each student getting a personal bill for usage.

Underlining its reputation as one of the greenest campuses in the country, UC San Diego is initiating a huge housing program with a new 1,000-bed “village” project for transfer students that is tracking LEED silver certification.

“UC San Diego is a living laboratory for climate change solutions,” said Mark Cunningham, director of Housing, Dining and Hospitality at UC San Diego. “We have one of the nation’s biggest student housing construction projects underway—nearly 4,000 beds over the next four years. We will be advancing seven housing projects simultaneously and they’re going to be green, including some tracking LEED gold certified.”

If we show these citizens of tomorrow they can live without plastic, air conditioning and other unnecessary amenities during their life on campus, they’ll take these good consumer habits out into their future world,” Cunningham said.

Dining locations will begin regularly featuring locally gown, organic farmer’s markets where students will have the opportunity to buy produce directly from local food businesses.

And students will eat knowing that they are contributing to sustainability, social consciousness and their own healthy diets,” added Krista Mays, sustainability manager for Housing, Dining and Hospitality. “Our dining halls and markets will offer cage-free eggs; fair trade coffee, tea and sugar; organic food, and locally grown fruits and vegetables.”

In another first-time effort to help students with their sustainability efforts, seven student “Econauts” have been hired to provide peer-to-peer education. The students will work with the campus residential life staff to educate students and dining customers about ways to reduce their carbon footprint and help UC San Diego meet sustainability goals. Among these goals is reducing water consumption by 20 percent and achieving zero waste by 2012.

Sustainability is evident on back-to-school arrival, where, in place of lawn around the new buildings, there’s native planting in bio-swale, which washes water through rocks and is absorbed into the land, minimizing the need for irrigation.

Granite counter tops are used in place of laminate for a long term gain, and steel stairs replace carpeting in UC San Diego’s new transfer housing.

Entering their suites, the transfer students will receive a reusable recycling bag in which they can deposit plastic and glass bottles and jars, paper and newspaper, metal containers and cardboard to take to central recycling locations. Additionally, UC San Diego will continue to provide each incoming freshman with a large reusable water bottle which can be filled at free filtered water “hydration stations” located throughout the campus.

Vegan Cookie Recipe!!!


Wellness Center Program Coordinator Torrey Trust makes yummy vegan cookies.We can't get enough of them at the Wellness Center!!!

Try her recipe!

1 1/4 cups whole wheat flour (or any type of flour)
3/4 cup syrup (maple-y pancake syrup is best!)
1/2 cup olive oil
Vegan dark chocolate chips or nut pieces

Mix flour, olive oil, and syrup in a bowl. Add chocolate chips (or other add-ins). Put mix on cookie sheet (use a table spoon or smaller for a medium-sized cookie).

Cook at 350 degrees for 12-14 (or until golden brown).

Check out the amazing vegan options at Trader Joe's!

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WellSphere Healthy Causes


WellSphere has come out with new 'Healthy Causes' initiatives. You can add badges showing your support onto your blogs or websites.

Check out the 10 Healthy Causes to see all of the initiatives. They will also be listed on the Wellness Center website under the 'My Wellness' tab.

Mental Health Services & Patient Rights

Get involved in preventing emotional disorders and helping everyone get the care and treatment they need to live mentally healthy lives. Let's fight the stigma, support mental health research, and defend patient rights. Together, we can unlock the power of the mind.

Saving the Environment

Let's help bring about a cleaner, greener world! Get involved, spread your appreciation for nature's beauty, help fight global warming and protect our world's wildlife and natural resources

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Express to Success this Fall!


Express to Success (ETS) helps students build confidence and develop skills in public speaking, interpersonal communication, and leadership.

ETS offers 2 leadership programs that develop students' communication, public speaking, and leadership skills in a fun, interactive environment.

  • The Triton Success Program is for undergraduate students with little or no prior leadership experience or training.
  • ADVANCE! is for undergraduate and graduate students who have had previous leadership experience or training.

Application deadline for both programs is 4 p.m. Friday, October 2, 2009. Students can apply for and be admitted to either program during fall quarter only.
Students must commit to the full academic year and successfully complete all program requirements to be recognized at the ETS Leadership Banquet on Thursday, May 13, 2010.

Both programs incorporate:

  • Interpersonal communication and public speaking training
  • Leadership development and application
    Teambuilding and social activities
  • Community service activities
  • A student-produced final project

For more information about ETS leadership programs, please visit our website at http://ets.ucsd.edu or email us at esuccess@ucsd.edu.

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Plenty of Reasons to Take the Stairs


They might be intimidating.
There's over 1 million just on this campus.
But their health benefits are amazing!

I'm talking about STAIRS!

Climbing stairs for 1 minute burns 10 calories, not to mention improves leg muscles and knee strength. You can add up your stair climbing each day to reach the recommended 30 minutes of exercise.

Using the elevator uses a lot of electricity just to take you a few flights, and most of the time, waiting for the elevator takes longer than just taking the stairs!

A study has shown that even two flights of stairs climbed per day can lead to 2.7 kg weight loss over one year (Brownell, Stunkard, and Albaum, 1980).

So, be sustainable and get your exercise by taking the stairs next time.

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UC San Diego Nap-In is Across the Country!


LiveWell UC San Diego hosted the 1st Annual Nap-In last year.

Dr. Sara Mednick, a nap researcher for UC San Diego and the VA Hospital, and Acting Director of the Wellness Center Dr. Jerry Phelps were interviwed in response to this successful event on the benefits of napping and how UC San Diego is a nap-friendly campus.

Check out the video below and see how napping is good for you!


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Nap Research


Information courtesy of: Pew Research Center Publications

Feeling drowsy? A recent survey found that in a day, 34% of all Americans nap.
This study also found that men nap more than women; 38% to 31%.

Napping was found to be common at the lower end of the income scale (less than $30,000), and as income increased, napping declined.

In the 18 to 29 year old bracket, about a 1/3 said that they napped recently; 1/2 of the people 80 and older said they napped.

The survey also found a correlation between napping and difficulty sleeping. If this happens to you, your naps may be too long. Naps over 30 minutes can disrupt your sleep pattern and make it difficult to fall alseep at night. Naps 30 minutes and less are prefect ways to relax and recharge for the rest of your day.

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