Spring Quarter Project Wellness


Got Wellness?

How are the ENVIRONMENT, sustainability, and HEALTH related?

enter by May 1st. 

Win an iPod!


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Think Global, Eat Local


Why eat locally grown foods?

90 cents to the farmer
Buying direct from local farmers supports the local economy.
When you buy direct from local farmers, your dollars stay within your community, and strengthen the local economy. More than 90¢ of every dollar you spend goes to the farmer, thus preserving farming as a livelihood and farmland.

This is important because as mergers in the food industry have increased, the portion of your food dollar paid to farmers has decreased. Vegetable farmers earn only 21¢ of your dollar; the other 79¢ goes to pay for marketing, distribution, and other costs.

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Exercise & Healthy Living


Exercise is refreshment of one's mind or body through activity. UC San Diego Recreation provides diverse, dynamic and high quality programs to the university that promote fitness, enjoyment, relaxation and play. Through recreational experiences, participants learn skills and develop habits that improve health, happiness and the quality of life. Recreation is the act of creating anew.

Registered UCSD students are invited to participate in recreation classes, weight room and fitness facilities in the Main Gym and RIMAC, Canyonview Aquatic Complex Facilities and the Natatorium. The Recreation Center also has a climbing center, an Outback Adven
ture program, equipment rentals, a high ropes team-building program called the Challenge Course, a Masters Swim program, as well as many class offerings like yoga, kick boxing and p
ilates. Just present your student ID and start getting fit today! http://recreation.ucsd.edu

Exercise Opportunities at UC San Diego:

Personal Wellness Program
UCSD Recreation’s Student Personal Wellness Program is looking for 60 committed students wanting to pursue a more healthy and fit lifestyle. Our wellness instructors will help you achieve your fitness goals. The duration of the program is 8 weeks and is free to students. Sign up and take the first step to a millennium filled with wellness!

The Student Health Advocates (SHAs) provide free fitness assessments each quarter during weeks 2-10 every Monday and Wednesday, 7-9pm on a walk-in basis. The test includes blood pressure, heart rate, percent body fat, flexibility, cardiovascular health, abdominal strength and upper body strength. The check-in table is located on the second floor of RIMAC next to the women’s locker room.

Personal Weight Loss Solutions
Get in the best shape of your life! Let our UCSD expert trainers help you adjust your attitudes about eating and exercise, once and for all! This is an eight week program which meets once a week for an hour. The program will include small group instructional workouts and nutritional guidelines for weight loss. The program fees are $45 for students $60 for fac/staff with rec card $90 for community with rec card $120 community without rec card. For more information please contact the Program Director Terri Dowie tdowie@ucsd.edu or 822-3123 or go to the Student Personal Wellness Program website.

Rec Classes
Learn how to ballroom dance, try out more than 20 forms of martial arts, 
experience a new way of stretch with yoga, or tone your abs with core conditioning. Check out all of the rec classes offered by the Recreation Department.

The Intramural Sports program at UCSD is your home base for recreational team sports activities. For the past 30 plus years, our program has established deep campus roots as a reliable and primary source for fun and good times through sports participation. Your friendly Intramural Sports staff is always on-call to take care of your rec sports needs. Call us at (858) 534-3716 for person-to-person information that will help you access our program. Or better yet, touch base with this website on a regular basis to get all of the latest about what's going on in Intramural Sports.

Student Health Advocates: Outreach Program
Get Movin' at UCSD: Get acquainted with all the exercise opportunities on and off campus in this fun, interactive outreach!

Walk around and get to know your campus! Visit the Walk UCSD link for maps of walking paths on campus.

Project Wellness Winner - Jaimie Ngan


Jaimie Ngan

The way I try to keep my lifestyle healthy and maintain my new years resolution is by starting with and keeping a positive mindset. I do this by planning activities that fit smoothly into my schedule. Here are some techniques I enjoy using to keep my daily activities exciting/productive:

  • Have a planner - a useful tool that can guide a person with their daily plans without the fear of forgetting something
  • Plan for the week - Schedule all meetings/organization activities/gym time into the weekly planner then add some extra fun activities (i.e. lunch date with a friend, watch a movie, relax on the beach, etc.)
  • Always incorporate some new items into the week so everyday doesn't seem repetitive and exhaustive.
  • Everyone has a busy school schedule, but this doesn't give anyone an excuse to not stop by the gym for a 30 minute workout. (gym includes showers, lockers, personal space to exercise in, what more can you ask for?) Maintaining a consistent workout plan/schedulemotivates an individual to visit the gym. An alternative: take a jog outside or along the beach
    • If unmotivated to visit the gym alone, plan with a friend on days/times to go together! This creates more of an incentive for an individual to go to the gym (when at the gym, try different machines to see which ones are most suitable)
    • If going to the gym is not your thing, you can always take a recreational class (i.e. swimming class, kickboxing class, yoga class, dance classes) They offer affordable discounted prices for students!
    • If possible, try not to take the campus loop if unnecessary-->It only takes about 15 minutes to walk across campus: You gain time that could have been lost by sitting/waiting for the shuttle, a nice nature walk, and some good exercising
  • Staying in the room and studying all day isn't the most exciting thing to do. Become active and join a special interest club or school organizations! This promotes happiness by encouraging individuals to meet different people, do the things they like, and gain an experience they'll never forget.
  • Visit the library - It's the best place to study and gain some peace & quiet (you can eat, sleep, and study there!)
  • Make dates with friends - Group hikes, biking, kayaking (There is some beautiful mountain views and scenery around San Diego)
  • Most importantly, EAT HEALTHY! Don't feel guilty when consuming a few carbs or if you have a craving for a chocolate bar -- just try to exercise at least 3-5 days/week and maintain a good healthy diet.

These are just a few tips a person can use if they feel drained. As for myself, I enjoy being productive. I attend the gym each time I have a nice gap between classes or whenever it's convenient. I work, participate in school organizations, and volunteer. I manage my time accordingly with the help of my planner and eat healthy. After a long day of school I enjoy being at home and contemplating about my day's work. I have learned to appreciate life and try to take things slowly at times to remember the beauty of what life has to offer. By setting a positive mindset and appreciating life, I gain the full pleasure of spending time with my family, friends, and doing the things I love to do.

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Community Supported Agriculture


Over the last 20 years, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal food directly from a farmer. Here are the basics: a farmer offers a certain number of "shares" to the public. Typically the share consists of a box of vegetables, but other farm products may be included. Interested consumers purchase a share (aka a "membership" or a "subscription") and in return receive a box (bag, basket) of seasonal produce each week throughout the farming season.

This arrangement creates several rewards for both the farmer and the consumer. In brief...

Advantages for farmers:

  • Get to spend time marketing the food early in the year, before their 16 hour days in the field begin
  • Receive payment early in the season, which helps with the farm's cash flow
  • Have an opportunity to get to know the people who eat the food they grow

Advantages for consumers:

  • Eat ultra-fresh food, with all the flavor and vitamin benefits
  • Get exposed to new vegetables and new ways of cooking
  • Usually get to visit the farm at least once a season
  • Find that kids typically favor food from "their" farm – even veggies they've never been known to eat
  • Develop a relationship with the farmer who grows their food and learn more about how food is grown


Garden of Eden Organics is just one San Diego CSA farm that drops off at UCSD.

Pick up at the Great Hall, International House on Thursdays, 11:30am to 1pm

There are many more farms that drop off in La Jolla.  Visit www.localharvest.org for more details on CSA and other local farms.

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Project Wellness Winner - Amy Tran


Fall 2008 Winners: How Do You Manage Stress?

Amy Tran

Revelle College - Class of 2009

Human Biology

There's nothing like being around children to show me a fresh perspective of life. When I'm sad or stressed or worried, I go over to my uncle's house to babysit my little cousins. Just caring for them and teaching them numbers and ABC's is enough to make me happy and appreciative of novelties in life -- as if I were a little kid just like them. I recommend that other students sign up to volunteer at the local Children's Hospital or the newborn care unit.


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Project Wellness Winner - Sarah Tillema


Fall 2008 Winner: How Do You Manage Stress?

Sarah Tillema

Warren College - Class of 2009

Bioengineering: Pre-Medical

If I am stressed out about an upcoming test, I take my note cards “for a walk." I look over my note cards while walking at a brisk pace. This way I get out of the library, I get to enjoy the San Diego weather, and I get a quick workout all in one!

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After Hours Nurse Advice Line


UCSD Student Health Service is excited to announce the NEW After Hours Nurse Advice Line available to all registered students beginning April 15th.

When Student Health Service is closed, students can call our main telephone number at 858-534-3300, select the option to access our “after hours nurse advice line” to speak with a registered nurse who will assist you in obtaining the appropriate care for your condition.

Also, because we are committed to helping you live well, we want to know what other services you would like to see offered at Student Health Service.

Please explore the website for on-line appointments, Ask-A-Nurse, and other helpful features

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Ross Szabo Presentation


Featured in Seventeen Magazine, MTV, and winner of America's Best:  Campus Speaker Award, Ross Szabo speaks on improving emotional wellness, which is an integral part of living a healthy, balanced lifestyle.

Read more about Ross Szabo at http://wellness.ucsd.edu/RossSzabostudent.shtml


Ross Szabo will be presenting on Wednesday, April 22nd 

at 5:30pm in the Price Center Theater.

Meet & Greet with Ross Szabo from 4:30 to 5:15pm.  

Refreshments will be served.

Sponsored by LiveWell UCSD, CAPS, and the Active Minds Student Org.

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Earth Week @ UCSD


Check out earthweek.ucsd.edu for the day-by-day list of events honoring Earth Week, sustainability on campus, and green initiatives.

Dining Halls will be featuring organic meals and snack the whole week.  hdh.ucsd.edu has the complete menu list and participating restaurants.

Tuesday, April 21, 12.30 pm in Muir Quad:  Come grab free cake in honor of John Muir's birthday.

Wednesday, April 22, 11.30 to 1.30pm at Career Services Center Plaza:  Triton Green Job and Internship Fair.  Interested in a green job and want to know where the jobs are at?  Check it out!

Friday, April 24, 5 to 9pm at The Loft:  The Green Scene:  Film, Fashion, and Philanthropy.  Charity eco-fashion show featuring Project Trashion

Friday, April 24, 3 to 11pm in Muir Quad:  Muirstock!! The music festival has gone green featuring a solar powered stage, recyclable and reusable prizes, and organic food.

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Express To Success!


Triton Success Program

The Triton Success Program is a communication and leadership development program for freshmen and sophomores, or any student with no prior leadership training experience.

Dates change, so visit the ETS website at http://ets.ucsd.edu


This advanced communication and leadership development program for juniors, seniors, and graduate students is co-sponsored by the UCSD Express to Success Programs and the Center for Student Involvement.

Applicants should demonstrate previous leadership experience or involvement in leadership development training on campus or in the community.

Visit the ETS website for dates and times. http://ets.ucsd.edu

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Personal Wellness Program


Hi, my name's Sarah and I'm a wellness intern.

It's my job to promote wellness events and wellness partner's programs (like Recreation, CAPS, and Student Health Services).  The Personal Wellness Program, sponsored by Recreation, caught my attention because of the small number of students admitted each quarter and the personal attention of a trainer.

This program is FREE! Not only do you get to work closely with a trainer, but you receive a book with tons of wellness tips, and a shirt! =) 

Each week we are given 'homework' by our instructor, like doing cardio 3 times a week, as well as writing down what we eat for each day.  Keeping track of my food is an effective way to realize that I may not be getting all of the fruits and veggies I need each day.  It is also a deterrent to grab that second handful of chips when I know that my instructor will be reading my log at the end of the week!

We meet once a week for an hour with instructors to learn new fitness and wellness techniques.

If you've ever had the desire to get into shape and find balance in your life between exercise, healthy eating, and stress this program is for you!

Go here to find out more about the program: 

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Goals in Action


WHAT: 3 (1 hour) workshops that promote academic success and enhance emotional well-being.

FOCUS: Goal setting, time management, accessing resources on campus, self-care, and the promotion of healthy behaviors.

WHEN: 3 Thursdays from 3- 4pm
April 16
April 23
April 30

WHERE: Price Center East, Contemplation Room

CONTACT: Judy Goodman Fermin, PhD jfgoodman@ucsd.edu 858.534.9079
or  Courtney Peraza, PhD cperaza@ucsd.edu 858.822.0155

Sponsored by CAPS

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Financial Wellness: Education Pays


Did You Know...
Higher levels of education lead to higher earnings. Over a working life, the typical full-time year-round worker with a four-year college degree earns more than 60 percent more than a worker with only a high school diploma.

• Those with master’s degrees earn almost twice as much per year, and those with professional degrees earn almost three times as much as high school graduates earn over their working lives.

• Median lifetime earnings for the typical individual with some college but no degree are 19 percent higher than median lifetime earnings for high school graduates with no college experience.

• The typical college graduate who enrolls at age 18 and graduates in four years earns enough in 11 years to not only compensate for borrowing to pay the full tuition at a public college, but also to make up for wages forgone while in college.

• College-educated workers are more likely than others to be offered pension plans. Among those who are offered pension plans, college degree-holders are more likely to participate.

Information provided by CollegeBoard

For more information about Financial Wellness, visit: http://wellness.ucsd.edu/FinancialWellness.shtml

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CAPS Workshop: Stress Management 101


Feeling stressed out?

Find a healthy balance
Stress management 101

When: Tuesday 3:00-4:00 PM (Starting 2nd Week of Spring quarter)
Where: ERC admin bldg

• This 9 week skill-building workshop covers topics such as:
• Wellness / relaxation
• Time management /Prioritization
• Goal setting
• Healthy lifestyles
• Meditation / mindfulness
• To reserve a space, contact Rhonda Hackshaw at rhackshaw@ucsd.edu or by phone at 534-5981

To find out more about Stress Management 101 and other groups/workshops offered by CAPS, visit: LiveWell UC San Diego Emotional Wellness

Free Yoga, Pilates, Cycling & more: Women's Center Rec Class Sampler Program


The newest LiveWell event is the Rec Class Sampler Program. Held at the Women's Center every Wednesday from 10am to 11am, all undergrad students can come try exercises in a safe space; no need to worry if you've never done it before!

Each week the classes change (to keep the variety alive!) and sometimes the class will move to Main Gym, so check the Wellness website or visit the Women's center.











Maryam Sharifzadeh

Women's Center (WC)




Core Conditioning

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Women's Center





Maryam Sharifzadeh

Women's Center




Body Sculpt

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Women's Center





Maryam Sharifzadeh

Cycle Room (MG)




Boot Camp

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Outdoors - meet at WC





Maryam Sharifzadeh

Outdoors - meet at WC




Stretch & Relax

Maryam Sharifzadeh

Women's Center